Social Media Policy
We use social media to keep you up-to-date on what is happening at Trident.
Our social media channels are managed between 9am and 4pm Monday to Friday. During these times you can expect a response, where appropriate, within 2 hours.
If you have any queries, please feel free to contact us on:
You can read our social media policy below including how we will treat you on social media and our expectations of how you will treat us. This includes our rules for social media.
We will never ask you for private information on public threads instead we will ask you to message us privately so we can work out who can be the best person to help you.
We may sometimes be forced to block individuals from social media. This is only in rare cases and we will always ask you to delete posts and messages privately first. A note will also be added to
your customer record.
We will only block individuals who:
- Use abusive or threatening language. Swearing is not necessarily included but derogatory language or slurs which could be seen as discriminatory or hateful will be.
- Name individuals – this includes Trident staff, residents/customers and other members
of the public. This is to protect their private information. You can use generic statements like “my housing officer” or “my neighbour”.