
Anti-Social Behaviour

We want you to live in thriving communities and to achieve we will work in partnership with you to ensure we make your neighbourhood a place you're proud to live.

Every resident is responsible for their behaviour and they need to ensure that everyone in their household, and their visitors, treat their home and the neighbourhood with respect and follow the rules set out in their tenancy agreement.

We know that experiencing anti-social behaviour can be difficult and distressing for those involved. At Trident Group we are committed to supporting you to resolve such issues quickly and efficiently as possible.

What is anti-social behaviour

The term ‘anti-social behaviour’ covers a wide range of unacceptable activities that have a negative effect on the quality of community life and the private lives of people within those communities.

We broadly describe the definition of anti-social behaviour to be “acting in a manner that is capable of causing annoyance, nuisance, alarm and distress to another person”.

Anti-social behaviour can take many forms such as threatening, aggressive behaviour, persistent loud music. We will offer advice and support depending on the nature of your report. You may need to report the incident to us as well as others, such as the Police and the Local Authority. In some instances, such as neighbour disputes, when the nuisance is not persistent or regular and even though these can be upsetting and distressing incidents, it may not be anti-social behaviour. Therefore, it would not be appropriate, nor do we have the power to act upon such reports.

  • Arson
  • Assault and threats of violence
  • Criminal damage
  • Drug use or dealing
  • Immoral use of property – prostitution/brothels
  • Noise – persistent and deemed to be a statutory nuisance
  • Sexual offences
  • Verbal abuse, harassment, intimidation
  • Use of weapons
  • Babies crying
  • Car parking issues
  • Children playing ball games or youths congregating
  • Cooking smells
  • Complaints about general  domestic noises like doors banging, footsteps etc
  • DIY noise
  • Lifestyle clashes
  • People being unpleasant to one another – neighbour/family disputes
  • Pets fouling, barking or causing any other nuisance
  • ‘One off’ events such as a birthday or parties

We will take a reasonable approach to all reports of suspected anti-social behaviour (allegations) and will intervene where it is in the best interests of our residents and us. We will consider how regular or persistent the anti-social behaviour is, and the harm or likely harm it causes. We will intervene when behaviour poses a risk to a person’s tenancy or there is a risk of harm.

What to consider before reporting anti-social behaviour

If you feel that you can discuss your concerns with the person causing the problem, and it is safe and appropriate, please do so in a polite and courteous manner.  Tell them what you are upset about as some individuals may not be aware that their behaviour is upsetting others. By speaking to them directly it can sometimes help resolve matters more efficiently and effectively. This approach can often help to build and sustain neighbourly relationships.

Is the behaviour classed as anti-social behaviour?

Sometimes our neighbours may do things that irritate and upset us but think about what they are actually doing and whether this is anti-social.

What is Hate Crime and what will Trident do?

Hate crimes are any crimes that are targeted at a person because of hostility or prejudice
towards that person’s:

  • Disability
  • Race or ethnicity
  • Religion or belief
  • Sexual orientation
  • Transgender identity

Trident Group considers that Anti-Social Behaviour that is motivated by hate is totally unacceptable. We will believe all victims of hate crime. Hate crime may be evident in other patterns of anti-social behaviour but this behaviour will be targeted at an individual linked to their protected characteristics.

Anyone can be affected by Hate Crime. You don’t have to be a member of the group to which the hostility is targeted at. If offensive language or slurs are aimed at you because someone thinks you are someone with a certain identity than that counts as “hate”.

Hate Crime will not be tolerated, and all cases will be dealt with as a Category A high priority. We will encourage and support victims of hate crime and hate incidents to report their experiences. We will proactively engage with neighbourhoods and communities to tackle the impact of hate crime on our residents.

Learn more at Stop Hate UK: Home – Stop Hate UK

Who else should I tell?

In some cases, as a landlord, we will not always be the organisation with the responsibility or powers to deal with the report made. Therefore, you may also need to report the incident to other agencies, such as the Police if the incident is serious or criminal in nature. The local authority may also offer help and advice in environmental issues such as pets, noise or rubbish dumping. Trident Group works closely and collaboratively in partnership with other agencies.

You can also access help and advice from:

What will Trident Group do?

Upon receipt of your report, we will open an initial Anti-Social Behaviour case and will risk assess each case individually taking into account you and your neighbour’s vulnerabilities in line with our vulnerability policy.

We will contact you:

  • Within 1 working day for high risk incidents (serious – this includes domestic abuse, hate crimes, and physical violence, and intimidation)
  • Within 3 working days for medium risk incidents (serious breaches of Conditions of Tenancy,
    verbal abuse, harassment, intimidation, allegations of petty criminal activity, some
    neighbour disputes, and complaints regarding pets.)
  • Within 5 working days for minor breaches (minor breaches of Conditions of Tenancy,
    “domestic noise” such as the noise from vacuum cleaning, washing machines or other
    everyday noises, garden issues, unauthorised vehicles, refuse, fly tipping, graffiti.)
    Everyday noise potentially becomes noise nuisance if it is at unreasonable times or
    excessive in duration.

In confidence, we will further discuss your report with you.  In most cases, and if you are happy for us to do so, we will contact the person causing you a problem and discuss the allegations with them.

We will give them the opportunity to tell us their side of the story and to modify their behaviour. 

Except in very serious cases, the aim of our initial intervention is to stop the problem behaviour. We will offer advice and support to customers on self-help options. Sometimes we encourage customers to talk to approach one another directly, as they don’t always know that we are causing a nuisance or upset.

What action can Trident Group take?

Dependent upon the nature of the claim we have a number of actions we can take, including:

  • Offering mediation, where all parties involved discuss the problems
  • Encouraging resident to sign an ‘Acceptable Behaviour Contract’, agreeing that they will behave in an acceptable manner within their neighbourhood
  • Issuing formal tenancy warnings
  • Ask you to record noise nuisance on The Noise App, which you can download onto any mobile device from the app store, that is appropriate to your device
  • Taking enforcement (legal) action when the anti-social behaviour does not stop and all other avenues have failed

How does Trident Group decide what action to take?

We take the following factors into account when considering what our next steps will be. 

  • The type of behaviour
  • The severity and frequency of incidents
  • The evidence that is available
  • The impact that the behaviour is having
  • Who else is being affected
  • Whether the person/people whose behaviour is causing problems has been given an opportunity to change it (depending on the severity of it) and whether there has been an improvement
  • What other intervention(s) has/ have been considered or tried so far 

At all times Trident Group will:

  • Take your complaint seriously and investigate your claim.
  • We will tell you what we will do and give you a timescale.
  • Let you know of how you may help yourself whilst we are investigating.
  • Keep you informed.

Why might Trident Group bring a case to a close?

After a report of Anti-Social Behaviour has been investigated, Trident will draw it to a close to prevent cases from being left open indefinitely.
A case may be closed where:

  • An investigation has been concluded, and appropriate action has been taken and no further incidents have occurred over a given period (which may vary depending on nature of complaint).
  • We are unable to gather sufficient evidence to take any action.
  • When another agency is dealing with the case, and it no longer requires involvement by our officers.
  • Lack of contact and engagement from the complainant
  • Staff will consult with the complainant(s) before proposing to close the case and explain our intensions for doing so.
  • The Customer Engagement Team will contact the complainant to complete a satisfaction survey once the case has been closed. Satisfaction levels are reported in our KPIs and out Tenant Satisfaction Measure

To report anti-social behaviour to us, please fill in the form below with as much information you can give.

First and last name
Location or address where the incident took place
Please enter date and time
Please give any names and addresses
Write down, in as much detail, what you saw and heard
Tell us how this incident has made you feel and if it has had any last effects

View Privacy Policy

What happens if I’m unhappy with my Anti-Social Behaviour case?

You can request an Anti-Social Behaviour Case review by a multi-agency panel. You can do this by speaking to your local authority or asking a local elected representative such as a councillor or MP to do so. If this report meets a locally set threshold, usually when 3 or more ASB incidents have been reported within a 6-month period and you are still suffering, then a multi-agency case review can be carried out.

You can find out more about this from Resolve (an independent advisor on anti-social behaviour) ASB Case Review – Resolve – Antisocial Behaviour.

You can also put a formal complaint with our complaints team in line with our complaints process. You can email the complaints team using the form below.