
PURE Project

The PURE Project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF)

The PURE project is now in its second phase of delivery and has evolved to enable it to continue delivery in a challenging environment. The project continues to bring together a range of coordinated interventions which will assist the needs of vulnerable people living across Birmingham.

The Pure project will provide intensive support to inactive and unemployed citizens who have complex and multifaceted needs such as learning disabilities/difficulties, mental health conditions, physical and sensory disabilities as well as those experiencing homelessness.

The support will be provided to vulnerable adults who are aged 18 to working age (65) who are economically inactive and have health conditions, preventing them from employment. 

The project shall provide a mixture of intensive wrap around support and work readiness skills to bring vulnerable adults back into the traditional labour market including self employment as well as creating opportunities for them to gain basic/life skills and experiences by partaking in educational and training courses.

We aim to provide support around learning new skills and bridging any digital exclusion/life skills barriers that would stop or hinder citizens embarking on their journey to employment, education, or training.

The programme will also aim to overcome structural barriers to employment and training, by improving access to employment and training opportunities through better communication with key local employers and supporting the participants on how to carry out effective job searching activities.

The project beneficiaries will be citizens who are excluded from the labour market. 

Targeted activities will support citizens who are vulnerable as a result of;

  • Homelessness
  • Complex needs 
  • People with disabilities and learning disabilities
  • Visual and Hearing impairment
  • Mental Health
  • Pan-disability
  • Mental well-being
  • Learning disabilities/difficulties or any other wider barriers
  • Cost of living crisis

The range of activities include (but are not limited to): one to one support, action planning, at work support, confidence building,  basic skills and ESOL training, support for those who need pre-work assistance, money management and basic financial skills programmes, volunteering opportunities to encourage social engagement and to get people used to the idea of work and the opportunities it may bring them, first contact events by engaging people where they are located and feel able to access, local networks and support groups and personal skills such as anger management and motivation. The overall aim of this intensive intervention is to support the PURE participants into an education, training or employment result.

What does Pure hope to achieve? 

The PURE project will engage with vulnerable citizens who are considered furthest from the labour market and support them into employment, education and training. A further detailed breakdown of what each provider is expected to achieve is provided below.

Delivery for beneficiaries:

Pure will help to deliver on the Council’s overall objectives by delivering the following outcomes:

  • Improved health and wellbeing 
  • Financial inclusion and income maximisation
  • Inclusion and connection with local communities
  • Safety and security to live independently within their own home
  • Tackle digital exclusion and poverty
  • Active employer engagement

PURE will focus on delivering positive outcomes for citizens, helping individuals to achieve their goals in relation to education, employment or training. 

Eligibility for the PURE Project

  • Must be aged 18 years or over
  • Live in Birmingham
  • Not be in education, training or employment
  • Must have the right to live and work in UK

For more information, click the link below:

Email the team via PUREenquiries@tridentgroup.org.uk or call  0121 633 4633