We listen, learn and improve
Posted on: 14 Mar 22
We always try to provide an excellent level of service to ourresidents and customers. To help improve our performance and make sure that we’re providing high quality services, we undertook a survey to get feedback on the issues that are important to you. You may have been invited to complete a customer survey, either online or by phone, where you were asked to rate different aspects of our services, as well as if you are interested in getting involved in shaping and steering our services in the future.
We asked a specialist company (NA Global Research Ltd.) to carry out the 2021 survey for us, as it’s important for you to feel you can give your opinion anonymously. We asked a range of questions, such as how you felt overall about our services, if you felt you were being listened to, what you thought about the repairs service, your neighbourhood, and if you felt safe in your home.
In consultation with the Group’s Resident and Customer Voice Standing Group, two new questions were added to the 2021 survey:
- Are you aware of how to make a complaint and Trident Group’s complaint process?
- Where planned works have been undertaken at your site, how satisfied were you with how we communicated with you?
In total, 1,022 residents and customers participated in the survey — this represents 28% of all Trident Group households. Most people – 700 – answered by phone, 306 answered online and 16 by post.
We feel that the reported satisfaction levels of our customers tell us a lot about what we do well and which areas we need to improve on.
In 2021, there continued to be external factors that impacted our residents, such as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic which resulted in lockdowns and restrictions on everyday life. These included social distancing requirements and work from home guidance from the Government. Throughout this period Trident Group maintained a ‘business as usual’ approach whilst working in accordance with the Government guidelines as they were being announced.

Whilst we haven’t been able to survey everyone, this is a good sample to gauge how we are doing. Thank you to everyone who took part.
Everyone who took part was entered into a prize draw — the winners were:
1st Prize – £200
Linda Humphrey from Birmingham
2nd Prize – £100
Ngai Yuk Ming from Birmingham
4 x £50
– Donald Finch from Erdington, Birmingham
– Miah Lubna from Highgate, Birmingham
– Aman Abnet from Birmingham
– Emma Clackson from South Derbyshire
The good stuff…
- We asked if overall you were satisfied with the service and quality of care we provide, 75% of responses were satisfied.
- We asked if the people that you deal with/care for you treat you fairly and with respect, 85% of responses were satisfied.
- We asked if you were satisfied with your neighbourhood, 81% of responses were satisfied.
- We asked if you were satisfied with the communication with you where planned works take place, 81% of responses were satisfied.
- We asked if you were satisfied with the safety and security of your home, 87% of responses were satisfied.
- We asked how satisfied you were with the way we communicate with you about the things that affect you, 80% of responses were satisfied.
- We asked if you were satisfied with the overall condition and quality of your home, 74% of responses were satisfied.
- We asked if you were satisfied that we provide value for money, 76% of responses were satisfied.
The not so good stuff…
- We asked those who had made a complaint in the last 12 months if they were satisfied with the way their complaint was dealt with, 65% were dissatisfied.
- We asked how satisfied you were with the speed of repairs, 24% were dissatisfied.
- We asked how satisfied you were with communal cleaning, 22% were dissatisfied.
Although we’re pleased to hear that our residents and customers are satisfied with the services and homes we provide, we do know that we need to do better on some of the areas you have told us about. Our focus continues to be involving residents and customers as much as possible to help the way we listen and improve our services.
What next?
We’re producing a ‘You Said, We Did’ action plan with the Resident and Customer Voice Standing Group. This will be the way we improve the things that you said were not so good. It which will be monitored by the Resident and Customer Voice Standing Group to make sure we do what we say we will.
Through our communications with you, our website and our newsletters, we will keep you updated on how we’re working to make things better.
We want you to get involved
We have a new Resident, Customer, Community Safety & Inclusion Team, headed up by Kirsty Steward. Kirsty will be contacting everyone who said they wanted to be involved and offering different ways of doing it. In the meantime, if you’d like to get in touch, please either call us and ask to speak to Kirsty, or email Kirsty.Steward@tridentgroup.org.uk