
Get involved and take part in our 2021 survey

Posted on: 06 Jul 21

We are currently contacting all our residents and customers to invite them to take part in our 2021 Resident and Customer Satisfaction Survey.

We would like as many residents and customers as possible to consent to being involved in giving us their views and NA Global, who are conducting the survey on our behalf, will be contacting everyone, who has consented to take part, during July and August.  

If you are a resident or customer and are contacted to take part, we encourage you to do so. By consenting to taking part you will automatically be entered into a prize draw to win prizes of between £50-£200 in high street vouchers.   

Get involved and tell us what you think of our services, we are waiting to hear from you!

If you would like further information, please email us on CommunityEngagement@tridentgroup.org.uk

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