Coronavirus update - October 2020
Posted on: 09 Oct 20
We are committed to continuing to provide a full service to our customers, whilst keeping you and employees as safe as possible.
This may mean that some of our services, the ways in which we do things or how we contact you, could be different. We understand these are still worrying times and that government advice is changing regularly. Please be reassured that we are here to help. So, do contact us if you need help or support.
We will have to respond to any local lockdowns and any wider restrictions that may be imposed and we will provide you with updates here, so please check back regularly.
Our priority is to ensure that you and our employees are kept safe. If you are displaying coronavirus symptoms or self-isolating and we are due to visit you, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can rearrange the visit.
The new NHS COVID-19 app, is now available to download for free and is the fastest way to see if you’re at risk from coronavirus. The faster you know, the quicker you can alert and protect your loved ones and communities.
If you are self-isolating or displaying Covid symptoms and you need an emergency repair carried out in or on your home, we will carry out a risk assessment and make sure your home is safe.
Please note that government guidance allows our staff, including operatives, to go into a household of six without breaching the limit if they are there for work.
We understand that we will remain in uncertain times and Trident Group continues to follow government advice and guidance from Public Health England regarding Covid-19 (coronavirus).
Our central office at Holliday Street, Birmingham, continues to remains open, but we have reduced the level of staff by implementing a rota and installed infection control measures and procedures. This will help to safeguard the services we offer to residents and core business functions.
You do not have to visit the office in order to speak to us, you can report a repair or pay your rent by calling us on 0121 633 4633 or by emailing To maintain your health and safety and minimise your risk of catching the virus we ask that you contact us via these methods.
However if you do have to visit the office then you will need to follow the safety rules of wearing a face covering on entering the building and keeping this on until you leave, use the hand sanitiser upon entry and ensure you maintain social distancing from staff and anyone else within the building.

You can find the latest information and facts about Coronavirus (COVID-19) on the government website and via the NHS Covid-19 App.
Your rent and payments
You should continue to pay rent and abide by all other terms of your tenancy agreement to the best of your ability.
If you are worried or having trouble paying your rent you should speak to your Homes and Community Housing Officer, Income Officer or Intensive Housing Management Officer who will fully support you and will give you advice based on your circumstances and will assist you in accessing financial support from the government via Housing Benefit or the rent element of Universal Credit. If you are unsure about how to claim, then we will be able to help.The sooner you let us know the sooner we can start to help and support you.
We still need to collect our rent in order to be able to provide services to you but we will work with you to prevent any evictions to recover arrears. However, it is important that you tell us and we can work with you to find an affordable solution.
Click here if you want to speak to us about paying your rent.
A guide on understanding the possession action process for social rent tenants has also been published to assist you when you have been served with a notice of seeking possession and to provide detailed information about each stage of court action.
Repairs and services to our residents and customers
At the moment we are providing full repairs and maintenance services. Please report repairs by calling 0121 633 4633.
Our priority is to ensure you and our employees are kept safe. Before our operatives enter your home they will ask if you or anyone in your household is displaying coronavirus symptoms or self-isolating. In these cases, we are only able to carry out emergency repairs – where we will carry out a risk assessment, and make sure that your home is safe to enter.
If you need to cancel an appointment because you are shielding or self-isolating, please call us as soon as possible on 0121 633 4633.
Property, resident and customer services
Our property, resident and customer services are continuing to provide a full service to you, whilst keeping you and our employees as safe as possible. Modern technology is enabling some of our teams to work from home and some of our staff, including Homes and Community Officers, Care and Support staff, Repairs and Maintenance Operatives, Cleaners and Caretakers are all classed as essential workers. This means we can provide most of our services to you.
We’ll do our best to work towards our usual service standards and timescales, but due to current conditions we’ll need to be flexible. We’ll always put the safety of our residents, customers and employees first.
Social distancing guidance
To observe social distancing guidelines, we would be very grateful if you would still maintain a safe distance from our staff, particularly if they have to enter your home to carry out an inspection or repair.
Government information for residents
The government has published guidance for landlords and tenants in the social rented sector that deals specifically with measures relating to notices of seeking possession, court action, health and safety obligations, repairs and inspections. This guidance is advisory and informs you about recent changes to the law. All guidance is subject to frequent updates and should be checked regularly for the latest information.
The coronavirus outbreak has had an effect on everyone’s daily lives. The government has produced a number of guides (click the link below) that provide advice on how to look after your mental health and wellbeing.
Looking after your mental health and wellbeing
Staying at home to stay safe should not lead to you becoming lonely. If you are feeling isolated or lonely there are a number of organisations you can talk to. You can find more information by clicking HERE.
Anti-Social Behaviour
With more of us spending our time at home to comply with the government guidance, we ask residents and customers to please be considerate towards your neighbours. We realise that it will be a difficult time for families who are confined to their homes, but be aware of levels of noise and the impact that this may have on others.
If you do need to report instances of anti-social behaviour or need advice on how to deal with it then please speak to your Homes and Community Housing Officer or contact our Community Safety Team on 0121 633 4633 or email the team via
Domestic Abuse
Our care and support charity, Trident Reach, runs a number of domestic abuse services in Birmingham and Derbyshire.
If you need help or support in Birmingham, please contact our helpline on 0800 111 4223
If you need help and support in Derbyshire, please contact our helpline on 0800 008 6630
Always call 999 if you or someone else is in immediate danger, or if a crime is in progress.
You can find details of other organisations that can provide help and support below:
Home Office advice
West Midlands Police Domestic Abuse support
Refuge – supports women, children and men experiencing domestic violence with a range of services.
National Domestic Violence Helpline
0808 2000 247
For Help Text ‘NCDV’ to 60777
Galop (for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people)
0800 999 5428
Men’s Advice Line
0808 801 0327
Further information about coronavirus (Covid-19)
- Symptoms of coronavirus and how to avoid it on the NHS website
- Use the 111 online coronavirus service if you feel you need medical help
- The latest Government information and guidance
- NHS COVID-19 app
We at Trident Group would like to thank you for your patience as we continue working to maintain and deliver our services and keep you safe in your home.
Stay safe and continue to look after each other.