
Trident Group - Satisfaction Survey 2019 - Have Your Say!

Posted on: 07 Jun 19

We always try to provide an excellent level of service to our customers.

In order to continuously improve our performance and make sure that we are providing our customers with a high quality service, we are undertaking an independent survey to gain some feedback from you about the issues that are important to you and how you think we are performing. This will ask you how you rate different aspects of the service you receive from us as well as asking you if you are interested in getting involved in reviewing and shaping services in the future.

To make sure that the survey is unbiased, we have asked an independent research company called NA Global Research Ltd to carry out the survey for us. They will be doing this by e-mail, phone and some face-to-face interviews so you may be contacted by them over the next couple of months to see if you would be happy to be asked some questions at a convenient time or to complete an online survey. If you would like to complete the survey on-line, you can access the questions via the link below. Your completed survey will be sent direct to NA Global and not to Trident Group.

Your views and opinions are important to us and the survey will help us to identify areas where we are doing well and those where we need to do better or improve our offering to you. All participants will be entered into a prize draw and the winners will receive high street shopping vouchers, worth £50.

Thank you to everyone who takes the time to complete the survey.