Our customers are often overlooked by society and we want to make sure that they have the best opportunity to an independent life.
Your support and donations help us to improve the lives of the people we support
There are many ways you can get involved at Trident Group. One way is by giving financially, here is a quick guide to how your money can help:
can go towards a toiletries pack for one of our residents or customers
can towards purchasing an item in a home starter pack, giving a resident or customer essentials to set them up in their new home
can go towards a resident or customer engagement activity
can go towards supplying nutritious food to a family of 4, for up to 4 days, families via our food bank service
To donate towards our efforts to help those disadvantaged across the Midlands, you can use the following BACS information:
- Account: Trident Reach, The People Charity
- Sort Code: 60-02-35
- Account Number: 67441629
- Bank Name: Natwest, Birmingham City Centre
- Payment Reference: Trident Fundraising
You can also donate or fundraise using our Just Giving page: Trident Reach – JustGiving
The best way to support us is to learn about the work we do. This way you get to learn more about us and the services we provide which will then give you a foundation on which to fundraise for us. Below are some ways you can support us: