
Modernisation of Trident’s Homelessness Services

Posted on: 26 Jul 24

Trident Group will be modernising our homeless service provision by moving to a localised emergency bed model. This is a response to Birmingham City Council’s decision to move to a different model of service delivery.

As part of this the decision has been made to close our 101 emergency bed hostel, Washington Court, and instead will provide emergency beds from smaller locations outside of the city centre giving a better service to those experiencing homelessness.

Trident Group will continue to provide homeless services and emergency provision for the city until Saturday, 30 November 2024 when the current Birmingham City Council contract Trident delivers comes to an end. Birmingham City Council have recently released a new commissioning model for Emergency Bed and Rough Sleepers Outreach Provision and Trident will be participating in the process.

Helen Litherland, Executive Director of Housing, Care and Support said, “Trident agree with Birmingham City Council that the large scale emergency hostel model is outdated and as it does not reflect the current commissioning requirements of the City, the decision has been made to move emergency bed provision from Washington Court. We will continue to work with partners to support clients and will ensure accommodation for all trying to access help.”

David Watson, Head of Homeless Services, added, “Washington Court has supported over 6000 clients over the 20 years it has been in operation providing a safe space of shelter for people sleeping rough. At the same time as an organisation our learning over the last few years has shown us that large hostel environments do not help the recovery of people with addiction or mental and physical health challenges.”

Trident Group will be doing a managed decant of residents to more suitable, localised accommodation over the next few months. Emergency bedspaces will continue to be available for for those requiring them, alongside our Rough Sleeper Outreach Team who locate people rough sleeping and signpost them to the most appropriate services.

Anyone concerned about someone sleeping rough should report them to us on www.thestreetlink.org.uk so that we can support them.

Any questions about these changes please contact our Head of Homelessness Services, David Watson, by emailing David.watson@tridentgroup.org.uk.

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